斯: this芬: sweet smell; fragrance a sur ...狮: lion身: body人面: dracontomclon dao狮身人面: sphinx狮身人面兽: sfinge狮身人面像: sphinx狮身人面象: the sphynx斯芬克斯: sphinx; sphynx (cat)斯芬克斯猫: sphynx狮身人面饼干厂: saint deni; saint-deni; sphynx biscuit bakery微笑的狮身人面像: smiling sphinx斯芬克斯大道: avenue of sphinxes ( s )狮身人面像,谜一样的人: sphinx斯芬克斯的尾巴: the tail of the sphinx斯芬克斯林阴路: avenue of sphinxes天兽星斯芬克斯: sphinx无秘密可言的斯芬克斯: the sphinx without a secret人面狮身: sphinx人面狮身兽: sphinx人面狮身像: great sphinx; sphinx斯芬克司: the sphinx complex延斯芬克-延森: jens fink-jensen身人面兽: sphinx